고들빼기의 항산화 활성, 유기산 함량 및 유산균 평가
Antioxidant Effect, Organic Acids Contents and Lactic Acid Bacteria of Godulbaegi kimchi
- 한국유산균프로바이오틱스학회
- Current Topics in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics
- Current Topics in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics 4권 1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2016.06
- 8 - 13 (6 pages)
This study of objective is to investigate the antioxidant properties of Godulbaegi kimchi by antioxidant activity, and evaluate the organic acid contents. An increase in antioxidant inhibitory effect was observed as the concentration of extraction solvent increased. The sample of methanol 80% extract showed higher DPPH radical scavenging activity. As the pH increased, the nitrite scavenging activity is decreased, and the sample diluted with methanol was the highest at 77.8% at pH 1.2. Total phenol content was the highest at 76.7 mg GAE/g when extracted from ethanol. The organic acids of Godulbaegi kimchi were detected malic acid, lactic acid and citric acid. As the storage period became longer, the total number of bacteria and lactic acid bacteria increased. It is suggested that Godulbaegi kimchi is very high in availability as a functional food and in its materials.
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