장내미생물과 퇴행성 뇌질환의 상호작용 특성
Characteristics of Interactions between Gut Microbiota and Degenerative Brain Diseases
- 한국유산균프로바이오틱스학회
- Current Topics in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics
- Current Topics in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics 4권 2호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2016.12
- 19 - 23 (5 pages)
Social needs are increasing due to the increase of degenerative brain diseases because of the aging society. The most common type of degenerative brain diseases is Alzheimer s disease and Parkinson s disease, which makes most of cases. New scientific challenges indicate that gut microbiota are directly associated with the progress of degenerative brain diseases through triggering metabolic diseases, modulating immune response, and changing diversity of microbial community. A high-valuable strategy is proposed for the management of these disorders and as an adjuvant for psychiatric treatment of degenerative brain diseases and other related metabolic diseases through modulation of the gut microbiota including probiotics.
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