올리고당의 피부건강 및 피부질환 개선효과
Improvement Effect of Skin Health and Skin Disease of Oligosaccharides
- 한국유산균프로바이오틱스학회
- Current Topics in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics
- Current Topics in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics 5권 1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2019.06
- 13 - 19 (7 pages)
DOI : 10.35732/ctlabp.2019.5.1.13
Oligossaccharides have beneficial effects on the immune system, atopy and skin health according to the prebiotic effect on intestinal microflora. Due to the excellent physiological functions of these oligosaccharides, the demand for prebiotics is rapidly increasing in the world. In this review, it has been shown that galactooligosaccharide( GOS) intake improves skin health and atopic eczema and fructooligosaccharide( FOS) prevent atopic dermatitis in human clinical trials. These results indicate that oligosaccharides are sufficiently applicable as a functional food for improving skin health and skin diseases.
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