최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

발효 유제품에 침지한 돈육 등심의 품질 특성

The Quality Properties of Pork Loin Marinated in Various Dairy Products

DOI : 10.35732/ctlabp.2019.5.2.52
  • 22

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and probiotics have mostly consumed as dairy products such as city milk, fermented drinking yogurt and stirred yogurt, and LAB and probiotics have become popular to contribute to the flavor, taste, or preservation of food. In this study the effects of various milk products on the physicochemical properties of pork loin were determined. Pork loin samples were marinated in city milk, drinking yogurt and stirred yogurt for 24 hours, and were compared with the raw pork loin (control). Proximate, pH, color, shear force, electronic nose, and sensory evaluation were investigated quality properties of pork loin. The pre- and post- cooking pH was lowest in pork loin marinated in stirred yogurt(p <0.05). The pre-cooking lightness was significantly higher in pork loin marinated in city milk(p<0.05). The redness of pork loin marinated in stirred yogurt and drinking yogurt were significantly higher(p <0.05), but the shear force of pork loin marinated in stirred yogurt was significantly lower(P<0.05). The sensory evaluation of pork loin marinated in stirred yogurt were the highest(p<0.05). These results showed that various milk product marinating could be used to improve the quality characteristics and flavor of pork loin.


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