버섯 폐배지는 버섯의 수확 후 발생하는 폐기물계 바이오매스로서 적정처리 방법의 부재와 위탁처리 비용의상승으로 버섯재배 농가의 처리 부담을 증가시키고 있다. 본 연구에서는 버섯 폐배지의 적정처리를 위한 방법으로혐기소화를 통한 바이오에너지화 방안을 검토하기 위하여 버섯재배 사용 전 배지(Mushroom medium; MM)와 사용 후폐배지(Mushroom waste medium; MWM)의 메탄퍼텐셜을 분석하고 혐기소화 과정에서의 유기물의 분해특성을 파악하고자 하였다. 버섯재배 전과 후, MM과 MWM의 이론적 메탄퍼텐셜(Bth)은 0.481, 0.451 Nm3-CH4/kg-VSadded으로 MWM 에서 6.2% 낮았으나, 생화학적 메탄퍼셜은 0.155, 0.183 Nm3-CH4/kg-VSadded으로 MWM에서 18% 증가하였다. Modified Gompertz model에 의한 반응속도 분석에서 MM과 MWM의 최대메탄생산량(Rm)은 각각 4.59, 7.21 mL/day이었으며, 지체성장기시간(λ)는 각각 2.78, 1.96 day으로 MWM에서 혐기소화 속도가 증가하였다. Parallel first order kinetics model에의한 반응속도 분석에서 MM과 비교하여 MWM에서 이분해성 유기물(VSe) 함량이 5.89%, 분해저항성 유기물(VSp)함량이 2.03% 높았으며, 난분해성 유기물(VSNB) 함량은 7.85%가 낮았다. 따라서, 버섯재배 사용 전 배지보다 폐배지의 혐기소화 특성이 더 우수하였다.
Mushroom waste medium refers to the waste biomass generated after mushroom cultivating. And, the burden of treatment on mushroom farmhouse is increasing due to the absence of appropriate treatment method and increase of treatment costs of the mushroom waste medium. In this study, in order to assess the energy value of mushroom waste medium by an anaerobic digestion, methane potential and anaerobic organic matter decomposition characteristics were investigated. The theoretical methane potential(Bth) of mushroom medium(MM) was 0.481 Nm3-CH4/kg-VSadded, and the Bth of mushroom waste medium(MWM) was 0.451 Nm3-CH4/kg-VSadded. The biochemical methane potential(Bu-exp) of MWM was increased by 18% from 0.155 for MM to 0.183 Nm3-CH4/kg-VSadded for MWM. In the reaction kinetics analysis by the Modified Gompertz model, the maximum methane production rate(Rm) was increased from 4.59 for MM to 7.21 mL/day for MWM and the lag growth phase time(λ) was decreased from 2.78 for MM to 1.96 days for MWM. In the reaction kinetics analysis by the parallel first order kinetics model, the easily degradable organic matter(VSe) content was increased by 5.89% and the persistently degradable organic matter(VSp) content was 2.03% in MWM, and the non-degradable organic matter(VSNB) content was decreased by 7.85%. Therefore, it was evaluated that the anaerobic digestion efficiency of MWM was increased. The anaerobic digestion efficiency of MWM was assessed to be more improved than that of MM.
1. 서론
2. 재료 및 방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결론