최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

업무방해죄에 있어서 업무의 보호가치에 대한 검토

A Study on Protecting Values of Affairs in the Affairs Disturbance Crime

In relation with ‘affairs’ that become protecting objects of the affairs disturbance crime, there are pro and cons discussions about whether public affairs are included in the affairs in the crime centering on relations with ‘public affairs’ at the resisting arrest crime by chances of the harmonization judge in Supreme Court at 2009, but it is in situation of hardly finding out related discussions on ‘protecting values’ of the affairs actually. So, contrary features of judgment about existence of preventing values on the same affairs in practices become to be contacted frequently from lower and higher courts. Based on such awareness of issues, this study tries to look into attitudes of existing theories and judicial precedents on affairs’ protecting values in the affairs disturbance crime first, and then analyze them. And the study accentuates urgency of standard setting-up on affairs’ protecting values with bases of existing discussions, and investigates relations between public affairs and protecting values in the resisting arrest crime and legal nature of affairs disturbance crime for making a presupposition of discussions. After that, this study will review matters that have not to be corresponded to criminality which is prohibited by laws and objected to criminal penalties as affair requirements of becoming protecting objects from the affairs disturbance crime, have not antisocial nature to the extent of not being accepted at all from social norms, and shall take protecting values by the criminal law in relation with object judgments. Above discussions aim at minimizing illegitimacy that affects influences to judgments by contributing to systematic establishment of jurisprudence on affairs which become protecting values in the affairs disturbance crime.

Ⅰ. 대상판결의 주요경과

Ⅱ. 문제의 제기

Ⅲ. 업무방해죄에 있어서 ‘업무’의 보호가치에 관한 기존의 논의

Ⅳ. ‘업무’의 보호가치에 대한 평가시 전제사항

Ⅴ. 대상판결의 검토: 업무방해죄의 보호대상이 되는 업무의 요건
