최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한일간 무역경쟁력 변화와 구조적 특징 분석

An Analysis of Changes in Trade Competitiveness in Korea and Japan

DOI : 10.46396/Kjem..94.4
  • 75

Purpose: This study focuses on analyzing the changes in the import and export structure of Korea and Japan and their competitiveness in the global market, and also, focusing on analyzing changes in import and export structure and competitiveness by industry between Korea and Japan. In addition, this study examines changes in export competitiveness of Korea and Japan in the Chinese market and analyzes what characteristics there are. Research design, data, and methodology: In this study, the analysis targets were classified into 13 industries excluding the service industry to measure trade competitiveness from 2000 to 2020, and then the Trade Specialization Index and the RSCA index were used. And the statistics in this analysis were used the database of the UN Comtrade. Results: As a results of the analysis, the competitiveness of Korea and Japan in the global market through the TSI index has decreased generally, and the export competitiveness of Korea and Japan in the global market through the RSCA index was also low. In addition, Korea had low competitiveness in the Japan, while Japan had relatively high competitiveness in the Korean market. Finally, the overall export competitiveness of the Korea and Japan in China was low, but it was observed that the competitiveness/ the comparative disadvantage of their is improving. Implications: First, in 2020, Korea had a much larger trade surplus than Japan, and exports of major export industries are on the rise, so it is expected that it will be able to maintain a trade surplus in the future. Second, Compared to Japan’s competitiveness in Korea, Korea’s competitiveness in Japan is low. And Korea’s trade deficit with Japan has been reduced since 2010, but it is still large. This means that Korea’s high dependence on Japan will not be resolved unless improved. Finally, both Korea and Japan are increasingly dependent on China as the size of imports and exports of Korea and Japan to China is expanding.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구와 방법론

3. 한일간 수출입 구조 변화 및 특징

4. 한일간 경쟁력 변화 및 구조적 특징

5. 결론
