최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

스마트팩토리 제조경쟁력 확보가 한국의 해외진출 제조기업 리쇼어링에 미치는 관계 분석

Analysis of the Relationship between Securing Smart Factory Manufacturing Competitiveness on Reshoring of Korean Manufacturing Companies Entering Overseas Markets

DOI : 10.46396/Kjem..94.3
  • 65

Purpose: As the corporate issues rapidly emerging in the manufacturing industry in recent years, how to understand the changing environment, establish well-timed corporate strategies and seek development directions. Thus, this study would demonstrate the analysis of the relationship of securing competitiveness in manufacturing at the smart factories of Manufacturing companies affecting overseas manufacturers’ reshoring. Research design, data, and methodology: To conduct this study, a clustering sampling method was utilized with executives and staff members at steel companies with overseas expansion experience from July 13 through July 21, 2020, and samples were extracted in the form of the self-recording type after the distribution of the questionnaires. The distributed questionnaires were 186 copies, and all 186 copies were collected. Then, excluding five copies of the questionnaire judged to have a systematic or unsystematic error, 181 copies were applied as the empirical analysis data. Results: As a result of testing the causality hypothesis for this study model, it was confirmed that all of them had a statistically significant influence relationship. Also, as a result of analyzing the mediating effect, it was finally confirmed that there was a partial mediating effect. Implications: Securing smart factory manufacturing competitiveness had a statistically significant effect on manufacturing competitiveness. In addition, it was confirmed that manufacturing competitiveness of manufacturing companies had a statistically significant effect on reshoring of manufacturing companies, and securing smart factory manufacturing competitiveness had a statistically significant influence on reshoring of manufacturing companies. In addition, as a result of examining whether there is a mediating effect between manufacturing competitiveness, it was finally confirmed that there was a partial mediating effect.

1. 서론

2. 이론적 배경

3. 연구 방법론

4. 실증분석

5. 연구결과 및 시사점과 한계
