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잠자는 자세가 선 자세와 앉은 자세에서 골반기울기와 가동범위에 미치는 영향

Effect of Sleeping Posture on the Pelvic Tilt and the Range of Motion in Sitting and Standing

  • 47

The range of pelvic tilt is the one of major contributors of the lower back pain. The purpose of this study was to compare the range of pelvic tilt (the range from maximal anterior tilit to maximal posterior tilt) between the bed sleepers who slept more than half of his or her life on the bed and the floor sleepers. One hundred and fivev olunteers (61 female and 44 male college students) agreed to participate in measuring their anterior and posterior pelvic tilt with the PALM in standing after answering some questions about their medical and sleeping history. The pelvic angle was more posteriorly tilted (F=88.89, p<.01) in sitting (-6.56 ± 6.50°) than in standing(1.33 ± 3.72°). The range of pelvic tilt was 17.42 ± 6.47°in sitting and 16.31± 6.25°in standing. However, there was no statistically significant effect of sleeping posture on the pelvic tilt not on the pelvic range. The range of pelvic tilt has large inter-personal variability and it is important to understand its influencing factors and its effect on the sitting and standing posture to prevent various musculoskeletal disorders.

I. 서론

II. 방법

III. 결과

IV. 고찰


VI. 참고문헌
