신경근촉진법(PNF)과 시각되먹임기반 관절재위(VJPR) 훈련이 발목관절의 고유수용성감각 수준과 한 발 서기 균형능력에 미치는 영향
Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) and Visual-Feedback based Joint Position Reproduction (VJPR) Training on the Level of Ankle Proprioception and One-leg Standing Balance Ability
- 호서대학교 기초과학연구소
- 기초과학연구 논문집
- 제29권 제1호
- 2021.12
- 36 - 56 (21 pages)
Balance is one of the complicated tasks to maintain the posture on the floorusing visual, vestibular, and proprioception not to fall. Proprioception traininghas been considered a secondary method to facilitate postural control ability.This study investigated the effects of two different proprioception trainingmethods, the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and visualfeedback-based joint position reproduction (VJPR), on postural controladvancements. Sixteen healthy people volunteered for this study, and theyrandomly grouped two. Each group participated in the PNF and VJPR trainingfor three weeks. We evaluated each subject s proprioception levels and balanceability before and after the training. We used a clinometer and electromyogram(EMG) for VJPR, and They were also used to evaluate the level of position andforce aspects of the proprioception, respectively. We analyzed the trajectory ofthe center of pressure (COP) while subjects were standing on the firm floor andbalance board with one leg using a pressure mat. The position aspect of theproprioception level significantly improved after the VJPR training. The length,anterior-posterior velocity, and the area of the COP were significantly decreasedafter both the PNF and VJPR training. These results showed that the VJPRwas partially effective for improving proprioception, and both PNF and VJPReffectively improved one-leg standing balance ability on the unstable surface.
I. 서론
II. 방법
III. 결과
IV. 고찰
VI. 참고문헌