COVID-19 상황에서 온택트(Ontact) 사회복지서비스 제공을 위한 ICT 활용과 도전 과제
ICT Utilization and Challenges to Provide the Ontact Social Work Services in the COVID-19 Crisis
- 호서대학교 인문사회과학연구소
- AI와 인간사회
- 제2권 제1호
- 2021.01
- 25 - 49 (25 pages)
The purpose of this study is to provide a framework for theoretical understanding of the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in clinical social work during COVID-19 outbreak and to explore challenges and tasks for technology-based practice. In order to achieve the research purpose, the theoretical framework for explaining the use of ICT in clinical social work was reviewed. The strengths and limitations of each type of ICT used in the social work field were examined. And ethical issues and challenges related to the use of ICT were explored. As a result, this study presents a theoretical framework for explaining the use of ICT in the social work practice. The necessity of preparing ethical guidelines for social workers use of ICT is proposed. This study suggests strengthening digital competencies of social workers and clients and reducing the digital divide in our society.
I. 서론
II. 사회복지실천에 있어서 ICT 활용에 대한 이론적 기반
III. COVID-19 상황에서 사회복지서비스제공을 위한 ICT 활용 유형
IV. 사회복지실천에 ICT 활용의 도전적 문제들
V. 맺음말