최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

주거지에 따른 베이커리 제품의 선호도와 구매 만족도

A Study on the Residence Preference and Purchase Satisfaction of Bakery Product Purchasers

DOI : 10.12925/jkocs.2022.39.2.147
  • 82

이 연구의 목적은 주거지와 소득에 따른 베이커리 제품 구매 속성과 형태에 대해서 조사하 였다. 일반적인 사항에서 전체 1,235명 중의 여성이 59.6%, 남성이 40.4%로 여성이 남성보다 조금 더많았으며, 주거지는 서울 대도시 지역이 53.0%, 중소도시 지역이 47.0%였다. 베이커리 제품의 선호도에서 ‘일반 식빵과 단과자 빵류’가 56.5%로 가장 많았고, ‘샌드위치류’ 26.0%, ‘천연 발효빵과 건강빵’ 24.5%, ‘케익류’ 20.6%, ‘빵과 함께 커피, 음료’ 17.2% 순이었다. 소득에 있어서는 소득이 높아질수록 ‘천연 발효빵과 건강빵’을 선호하였으며(p<0.001), 소득이 낮아질수록 ‘조각 케익’(p<0.001)과 ‘샌드위치 류’(p<0.001)를 선호하였다. 베이커리 제품의 만족도에서는 ‘품질과 맛’(M=3.76), ‘신선도’(M=3.64), ‘양 질의 재료’(M=3.40), ‘기능성 제품판매’(M=3.31), ‘영양성분’(M=3.24) 순으로 나타났으며, 주거지에 있어서 서울 대도시 사람과 중소도시에 거주하는 사람 모두 ‘품질과 맛’(p<0.05), ‘신선도’(p<0.05)를 중요 하게 생각하였다.

The purpose of this study was to investigate in the residence and the income preference and purchase satisfaction of Bakery Product Purchasers. The findings of survey showed that in general characteristics of respondents, Out of the total 1,235 people, 59.6% of them were women, 40.4% of them were men, so the number of females was slightly higher than that of males, and the number of consumers living in big cities was 53.0% and that of small & medium-sized cities was 47.0%. In their preference of bakery products, bakery products liked the most ‘plain white bread (56.5%), ‘sandwich products (26.0 %), ‘naturally fermented bread and health bread (24.5%), and ‘cakes (20.6%) and ‘Bread and coffee, and beverages (I7.2%) in order. In terms of income, they preferred ‘naturally fermented bread and health bread as income rose(p<0.001), and they preferred ‘cakes (p<0.001) and sandwich products (0.001) as income went down. In bakery products satisfaction, bakery products were satisfied with its ‘quality and taste (M=3.76), ‘freshness (M=3.64), ‘good quality of materials (M=3.40), and ‘functional productsfor sale (M=3.31), and nutrients (M=3.24) in order. In residential areas, both people in big cities in Seoul and small and medium sized cities considered the ‘quality and taste’(p<0.05) and the ‘freshness (p<0.05) to be important.

1. 서 론

2. 연구방법

3. 결과 및 고찰

4. 결 론

