최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

동북아경제공동체 논의와 그 추진과제에 관한 연구

Northeast Asia economic community discussion about the challenges and promote research: Korea-Japan construction of the undersea tunnel necessity to bring in a national approach

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Northeast Asian economic integration and regional dimension in the community formed for discussion at the beginning of the what he has to wait until all the members of the joint between consensus and shared values should be. Also at the same time to solve various conflicts caused by ideological enemies to establish cooperative relations with mutual trust relationship with the national consensus that the recovery of love. Northeast Asia in particular, in order to achieve economic integration in the geographical proximity between the members of the gazette troubleshooting it is also one of those important challenges, The tentative name for this study, pay attention to the issue of the Korea-Japan undersea tunnel construction, transport links and integration in Northeast Asia dimensional compound, the building of railway passengers will no means. However, the Korea-Japan undersea tunnel construction of the parties to the latter aspect is that the planning at the same time, challenging aspects of existence. First, the two countries will discuss concrete therefore, prior to a complex historical background and political and economic interests to overcome to obtain understanding from the people we need to be

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 동북아 경제공동체의 개요

Ⅲ. 동북아의 위상과 경제협력 현황에 대한 개관

Ⅳ. 한국 정부의‘동북아 구상’에 대한 검토

Ⅴ. 동북아 경제공동체의 추진과제와 한ㆍ일 해저터널 건설

Ⅵ. 결론

