The objective of the study is, firstly to confirm the effect of the combinations of country-of-origin(hereafter COO) dimensions on product evaluations, including product attitude, quality perception, and purchase intention. Although country image and the COO effect have been studied in various angles by numerous academicians in the field of marketing and international business, there is still room to study on multi-dimensional aspects of COO and their efficient combinations. Especially strategic decisions on combinations of dimensions of various COOs, such as country of brand and COO of manufacture, have become crucial to obtain sustainable competitive advantages in the global open competing market. Another objective of the study is to understand the moderating role of involvement in consumer`s assessments on different made-in products. By thoroughly illustrating the effect of this individual variable, involvement, the authors have tried to deepen the understanding of how differently consumers take and evaluate hybrid products made in multi-nations. As consequences, the effect of the COO combinations, congruent, positive and negative combinations of country of brand and COO of manufacture, have been proved as studied previously and the effect of respondents` level of involvement on product evaluations have been declared partially. As results, implications and suggestions on how to plan more effective combinations of COOs, based on accurate considerations of consumer`s individual variables, are presented. Japan was recognized to be a manufacturing origin which can enhance product quality perception and purchase intention. China was analyzed to be a manufacturing origin with cost advantage which does not harm purchase intention and product attitude, although it can hurt quality perception.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구가설과 모형
Ⅳ. 실증분석 결과
Ⅴ. 토의 결론