최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

동일본대지진과 도호쿠 3개 현의 산업구조 전환: 한신대지진의 경험에서

Great East Japan Earthquake and Industrial Structure of Three Prefectures of Tohoku Disaster Areas: Based on the Experience of Great Hanshin Earthquake

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This paper analyzed the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake to 3 prefectures of Tohoku district, that is, Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima and the conversion of industrial structure of these areas. These areas were experiencing the tertiary industry-centered change of industrial structure before the great earthquake. However, the industrial structures of three prefectures varied according to the distance with the Keihin industrial area and the location in the Tohoku district. When looking on the basis of industrial production, the large-scale electric power amount of consumption and a large-scale retail outlet sales value, the shock of the great earthquake was the biggest in Miyagi. These local ratios in the Japanese GDP are only approximately 3%. However, this earthquake gave a big blow in overall Japanese economy as the part procurement in the Keihin industrial area was cut off. Nonetheless, in coastal areas of three prefectures, the reconstruction to existing industry structure is impossible because of the destruction of the infrastructure, the subsidence of the ground, etc. In addition, the government aims for competitiveness improvement through the designation of the Reconstruction Special District. As a result, the conversion of the industrial structure mainly on the tertiary industry is accelerated further.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 대지진 이전 도호쿠 3개 현의 경제규모와 산업구조

Ⅲ. 대지진의 발생과 경제적 충격

Ⅳ. 대지진 이후 산업구조의 전환과 한신대지진의 경험

Ⅴ. 맺음말
