최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국제지역 공공재의 국가 간 세대 간 적정 공급과 정책협조

International and Intergenerational Policy Cooperation for Optimal Supply of International Public Goods in the Northeast Asia

This study investigates whether there are incentive-compatible mechanisms for the optimal provision of international/regional public goods in the Northeast Asia and what the conditions for the mechanism are. For this, the paper defines a concept of international/regional public goods and suggests substances of the public goods in the Northeast Asia. In particular, the paper analyzes the incentive-compatible mechanisms for the optimal provision of international /regional public goods under the uncertainty of production cost and preference on international/regional public goods in the Northeast Asia. The results show that there is an incentive-compatible mechanism for the optimal supply of international/regional public goods if and only if the nation-wise largest available income and/or consumption levels as well as the regional largest available income and/or consumption levels would be greater than the critical value. Another condition for the mechanism is the income convergence among the member countries in the region. It is just as well that the economic performances of each country and the region in the Northeast Asia might satisfy these conditions for the incentive-compatible mechanism.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 국제지역 공공재의 개념 및 유형과 동북아지역에서의 실체

Ⅲ. 국제지역 공공재의 적정 공급에 관한 정책협조 가능성 및 조건

Ⅳ. 동북아지역 공공재의 적정 공급에 관한 정책협조 가능성 및 조건

Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론
