During the process of pursuit, it is common for the latecomer to imitate the first-mover. Considering the latecomer`s dire shortage of business management resources, learning from imitation is not a choice but a necessity. This was also the case with Samsung Electronics. However, there are only a small number of studies on the second-movers` imitation process, and the few studies on imitation are mostly limited to imitation of technologies. This study looks at how Samsung Electronics` imitation of Japan ultimately led it to become the world`s largest electronics company that today outstrips Japanese companies. However, it differs from previous studies in two aspects. First, Samsung focused on imitating Japan`s managerial practices, rather than focusing on technology alone. As a result, Samsung successfully acquired Japan`s technologies much faster than others, establishing the foundation of its technological prowess that helped the company outmatch Japan in the future. Second, Samsung was strongly determined to overtake Japan even while imitating Japan. Imitation, no matter how sophisticated, can easily turn a company into just another ordinary supplier. This is the fate of companies that do not have a strong commitment to excel by acquiring the technologies of others. However, Samsung was different. Such difference is what latecomers of developing nations that dream of overtaking first-movers of developed countries should learn from.
Ⅰ. 문제제기
Ⅱ. 문헌 고찰과 개념 정의
Ⅲ. 경영모방
Ⅳ. 오너의 모방관
Ⅴ. 요약 및 시사점