최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Missouri Gang and its Impact on Chinese Journalism

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.7.2.28
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When it comes to the development of journalism in China, the Missouri Gang is certainly a strong and colorful piece. This is a deep and long-lasting international friendship under the shining of the Red Star, and a self-help attempt to strengthen the journalism industry in times of internal and external troubles. To this day, the Missouri gang s professionalism of learning by doing, placing equal emphasis on theory and practice, and serving the public still affects Chinese journalism. Based on this, this paper will elaborate on four aspects: the origin of Missouri, the development of Missouri model, the influence of Missouri Gang on Chinese journalism, and Missouri in contemporary times. This paper hopes to add to the research in the fields related to the development of the Missouri Gang and its impact on Chinese journalism.

1. Origin of Missouri

2. Development of the Missouri Model

3. The influence of Missouri gang on Chinese journalism

4. Missouri in Contemporary Times
