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에세이영화에 대한 시각인류학적 접근

Understanding essay film in the perspective of visual anthropology; Analysis on the film of Jean Rouch Chronique d’un été

  • 47

This paper pays attention to the common area of essay film and visual anthropology, consideringtheoretical approaches crossing the two areas. Various efforts to define and explain the commonfeatures of essay film have been made in the contemporary film history, which mingle with thehistory of visual anthropology, particularly with the speculation on the ethnographic film andthe term of ethnofiction. The complex yet interesting journey leads us to fine multi-level layersof aesthetical issues and mutual influences in them, let alone the names of directors/authorsincluding Robert Flaherty, Jean Rouch, Sol Worth, or David MacDougall as well, who are commonlyspotlighted in both areas. This study efforts to illuminate the implication of essay film in the realmof visual anthropology today by analyzing the features of essay film such as subjectivity, reflexivity,and the intervention in the public sphere. Also, this paper aims to contribute to enforce the studyon essay film as well by suggesting the interrelation of the features of essay film which might seemincompatible, from the view of anthropology. A filme of Jean Rouch, Chronique d’un été will beexamined as an exemplary one to present how aesthetical inquiries in the area of essay film aredeeply associated with anthropological discussion.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 에세이영화와 에스노그래피

3. 어느 여름의 기록 「Chronique d’un été」

4. 성찰성(reflexivity)

5. 나가면서
