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디스포지티프 제7권.jpg

에세이 영화와 정신분산의 이미지

The essay film and distracted images

  • 94

This paper is an attempt to examine the process by which thoughts are shaped through images in essay films. The study seeks to examine whether it is possible to shape thoughts through images in essay films, wary of text-centeredness that emerged in discourse related to essay films. For this purpose, we want to focus on the concept of distraction. In the dictionary, distraction has the meaning of entertainment, diversion, fascination, and inattentiveness. E a r l i e r M o n t e n e u emphasized the importance of mood change in the sense of shifting from one idea to another. Regarding the film, Walter Benjamin pointed out that the unique viewing of the film is related to distraction, in a way that distinguishes it from the contemplation that is usually seen in painting appreciation. Essay films feature distraction in that they derive new thoughts through disparate materials, a chain of questions, the structure of the digression, and various perspectives. These essay films try to capture unfamiliar places and spaces, combine images in different contexts, or draw new thoughts through the potential of the image itself. This paper argues that essay films attempt to leap to other, new, and unpredictable thoughts by exploiting the array of disparate images and the potential of the images themselves.

1. 사유하는 영화의 등장

2. 에세이 영화와 정신분산

3. 다른 이미지와 다른 사유

4. 결론
