최근 검색어 전체 삭제
디스포지티프 제8권.jpg

봉준호의 영화 <설국열차>(2013)와 <기생충>(2019)에 나타나는 계급 양극화와 파국적 상상력

Class Polarization and Catastrophic Imagination in Bong Joon Ho’s Snowpiercer (2013) and Parasite (2019)

  • 441

Bong Joon Ho’s Snowpiercer (2013) and Parasite (2019) are excellent films to engage with the theme of catastrophe in our contemporary era. Snowpiercer is a global sci-fi film in English-language, and Parasite is a local drama set in Korean realities; however, they are both about a catastrophe caused by class polarization. While Snowpiercer is a universal allegory of the current global capitalist system, Parasite is a fable that captures the Korean specificities of neoliberal capitalist society. This paper examines the ways in which global and local catastrophes are imagined and portrayed in Bong Joon Ho’s films and how they reflect and address the collective fear and anxiety. The analysis of these two films will reveal the political nature of Bong’s films and the physical and moral catastrophe portrayed in the films.

머리말 : 파국을 어떻게 드러낼 것인가

1. 연대의 불가능성에 대한 자각

2. 무계획과 도덕적 타락

3. 잉여인간화하는 중산층

4. 격화되는 ‘약자들’ 간의 경쟁

끝말:‘가족주의’라는 최후의 도피처
