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JSCM 12권2호_표지_앞면.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

A Study on Strengthening Elevator Safety Management through an Elevator Accident Case Analysis

DOI : 10.14251/jscm.2022.2.1

Accidents caused by human negligence and negligence can be reduced by improving awareness through safety education and cultural diffusion, but it is difficult to prevent them completely due to the limitations of human mental and physical abilities. In other words, elevator safety measures that can compensate for human error are required, and this study intends to seek a elevator safety management system improvements to reduce elevator safety accidents. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, this study reviewed the legal system related to elevator safety management and analyzed the elevator accident cases. This study suggested the following measures for strengthening elevator safety management. First, to reinforce safety education related to elevator use and spread safety culture should be secured. Second, Establishment of a smart safety management system for elevators is required. Third, Development and introduction of elevator safety index is required.


Theoretical Discussion on Elevator Safety Management

Elevator Accident Status and Accident Type Analysis


