최근 검색어 전체 삭제
JSCM 12권3호_표지_앞면.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

The Relative Importance of Firefighting Cooperation in the South-North Border Region

DOI : 10.14251/jscm.2022.3.49

The purpose of this study is to derive priorities for cooperation in the firefighting field in the South and North Korean border areas. This study attempted to measure the importance of what should be done first for firefighting cooperation between South Korea and North Korea through expert AHP analysis. And it intended to help derive policy implications in cooperation in the firefighting field in the border area. As the results of the analysis, the firefighting experts thought that improvements should be made in terms of legal system. Next, they thought that improvements should be made in terms of policy. It confirms that there was an opinion that the improvement of domestic laws and regulations for Inter-Korean fire fighting cooperation was urgent first, and that experts' opinion that fire fighting job analysis and work reset should be dominant. This study is distinguished from previous studies in that it is cooperation in the field of fire fighting at the border region. Finally, it develops policy implications in that the possibility of cooperation and coexistence through disaster response can be expected in that it is a special field of firefighting.


Theoretical Discussion

Research Design



