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일본어문학 제97집.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

ハンガリー語の形容詞述語文に関する一考察: 日本語との比較を中心に 

A Study on the Adjectival Predicates in Hungarian: Focusing on the Comparison with Japanese Adjectival Predicates

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..97.002


This study examines the meaning of the Hungarian adjectival predicates by applying the category of <temporal stability> from a typological perspective. The main purpose of this study is to explore the semantic features of Hungarian adjectives in detail and to present the characteristics of Hungarian adjectives clearly on the basis of the typological study.Based on the research findings of Givón (2001:49), Kudo (2012:159), etc., this study presupposes that nouns, adjectives, and verbs are on a continuum, and that <state> and <property> are mutually transferable.Although most of the studies on adjectives in Hungarian have mainly focused on their derivations, this study examines <state> and <property> categorized according to the meanings expressed by adjectival predicates regarding <temporal stability>. The results are summarized as follows.① There are no grammatical ways in Hungarian to distinguish between accidental <state> and permanent <property>, unlike Russian and Spanish.② The meanings expressed by adjectival predicates are classified into four groups: <state>, <existence>, <property>, and <relationship>.③ Adjectival predicates can mean either <state> or <property> in conformity with the syntactic rules relating to the following: (a) addition of time adverbs, (b) types of subjects, and (c) context

1. 序論

2. 先行研究と本稿の立場

3. 本論

4. 結論
