최근 검색어 전체 삭제
일본어문학 제97집.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

일본 침향목 표착의 서사(context)

Japanese Narratives of the drift of Agarwood: Ancient Korea-Japan Fragrance Tree Exchange

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..97.020
  • 21

595年『日本書紀』記事には日本で初めての「香木」が登場する。ここには「沈香」「栴檀香」のような具体的な香の名が出ており、この記事を前後して韓半島の仏教伝来と高句麗僧らの渡日、新羅を通じた香の流入などが見られる。 従来、日本の学界で香木漂着事件は単一事件として扱われていたが、この一連の事件は有機的につながっていると考える。その判断の根拠として、まず香と仏教との関連性を挙げることができる。香は仏事には欠かせない大切な品である。第二、韓半島を通じた仏教伝来と香の輸入である。 また、香木が漂着した場所を日本神話発祥の地であり、天皇家の根源ともいえる淡路島に設定したことは、一層「神聖な」香木ナラティブを完成させる一助となる。その後、󰡔聖徳太子伝暦󰡕に登場する香木に関する叙述も太子の霊験な能力と神聖性を強調するための敍事として作用する。

The purpose of this study is to reconsider the grammatical restriction of KARA, NODE. And to carry out this reconsideration, the writer surveyed Koreans learning Japanese and researched the acquisition process through it. In the article “Nihon Shoki” in 595, “香木” appeared for the first time in Japan. Specific incense names such as “沈香” and “栴檀香” are mentioned here, and the introduction of Buddhism on the Korean Peninsula, the arrival of Goguryeo monks to Japan, and the inflow of incense through Silla can be seen before and after this article. In the past, the Koki drifting incident was treated as a single incident in Japanese academia, but this series of incidents is considered to be organically connected. The first reason for this judgment is the connection between incense and Buddhism. Incense is an indispensable and important item in Buddhist affairs. Second, the introduction of Buddhism and the importation of incense through the Korean Peninsula. Furthermore, the establishment of Awaji Island, the birthplace of Japanese mythology and the origin of the Emperor’s family, helps to complete the “sacred” Koki narration. After that, the description of the incense tree in “The Legend of Prince Shotoku” also serves as an epic to emphasize the prince’s spiritual ability and holiness.

1. 머리말

2. 595년 아와지섬 침향목 표류의 서사

3. 『聖徳太子伝暦』의 향목 서사(context)

4. 『日本書紀』671년 기사의 침수향․전단향

5. 8세기이후 신라를 통한 일본 향의 수급

6. 맺음말
