최근 검색어 전체 삭제
일본어문학 제97집.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

독도의 강치를 둘러싼 한일 간의 인식 고찰

On the Korean and Japanese Recognitions of the Japanese Sea Lion in Dokdo

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..97.022
  • 29

本論文は、かつて独島(独島=竹島、以下同)に棲息したニホンアシカについて韓日両国のウェブサイト上に見られる認識を考察したものである。韓国では独島をまず明治期の帝国日本による韓半島侵奪と関連づけたうえで、不法に日本へ編入された独島において日本人漁業者らによって集中的になされた無分別な乱獲によってアシカが絶滅に至ったと理解している。一方、日本では1905年独島の領土編入を断行して、それ以降の島根県による海驢漁業許可や県民によるアシカ獵など一連の行為は独島に対する実効的支配であるとして主張している。そうした理解からニホンアシカの剥製品は独島を実効的に支配した象徴であるとみなしているようである。 このようにニホンアシカをめぐる韓日間の認識の差は、最近ではニホンアシカの絶滅の責任を互いに相手国に転嫁する傾向につながっている。最近、日本では1950年代にも棲息しており、絶滅は韓国人の常駐や生態系の変化などに起因すると主張している。しかし、絶滅のそもそもの原因が明治期における乱獲にあることは日本の研究者らも認めているとおりであるが、広く一般国民にまでは伝わっていないようである。

The present article discusses how the Japanese sea lions, which inhabited Dokdo (where Dokdo is known as Takeshima in Japan), are recognised on the Internet in Korea and Japan. In Korea, the issues concerning Dokdo are considered in connection with Imperial Japan’s invasion of the Korean peninsula during the Meiji era. The recognition is that Japan illegally incorporated Dokdo into its national territory and that the Japanese fishermen’s indiscriminately hunting of Japanese sea lions resulted in the extinction of the sea lions. On the other hand, Japanese people claim that Japan incorporated Dokdo into its national territory in 1905 and that a series of acts since then, including the permission of hunting in the sea granted by the Shimane prefecture and the hunting of sea lions by the people of the prefecture, is considered Japan’ effective control of Dokdo. Based on this recognition, the stuffed sea lion seems to be treated as a symbol of Japan’s effective control of Dokdo. This difference in the recognitions of Dokdo in the two countries has recently resulted in the tendency that one country blames the other for the extinction of the Japanese sea lion. In Japan, a claim has recently been made that Japanese sea lions existed in 1950s and their extinction is due to several other factors such as the Koreans’ residence in the island and the change in ecology. Nevertheless, even the Japanese researchers admit that the primary cause of the extinction of the Japanese sea lion is the indiscriminate hunting during the Meiji era. This point, however, is not widely known to the Japanese people.

1. 머리말

2. 독도에서의 일본 어민의 강치 어업

3. 한국의 강치에 대한 인식

4. 일본의 강치에 대한 인식

5. 맺음말
