최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

파워모듈의 TLP 접합 및 와이어 본딩

TLP and Wire Bonding for Power Module

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Power module is getting attention from electronic industries such as solar cell, battery and electric vehicles. Transient liquid phase (TLP) boding, sintering with Ag and Cu powders and wire bonding are applied to power module packaging. Sintering is a popular process but it has some disadvantages such as high cost, complex procedures and long bonding time. Meanwhile, TLP bonding has lower bonding temperature, cost effectiveness and less porosity. However, it also needs to improve ductility of the intermetallic compounds (IMCs) at the joint. Wire boding is also an important interconnection process between semiconductor chip and metal lead for direct bonded copper (DBC). In this study, TLP bonding using Sn-based solders and wire bonding process for power electronics packaging are described.

1. 서론

2. TLP Bonding

3. Wire Bonding

4. 결론

감사의 글

