Trimethylsilyl Chloride를 Silylation Agent로 사용한 Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 나노입자의 표면개질 연구
Surface Modification of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 by Trimethylsilyl Chloride as a Silylation Agent
- 한국마이크로전자및패키징학회
- 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지
- 제26권 제4호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2019.12
- 127 - 132 (6 pages)
본 연구에서는 liquid-solid solution 합성법을 통해 고유전 페로브스카이트 구조의 barium strontium titanate(Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3, BSTO)를 합성하여 trimethylsilyl chloride(TMCS)를 silylation agent로 이용한 표면개질을 진행하였다. Silylation 표면개질을 활용하여 기존 BSTO 나노입자 표면에 있던 -OH 리간드와 TMCS가 갖고 있는 Cl을 반응시켜 나노입자 표면의 리간드를 -Si, -CH3로 치환하였다. 다양한 TMCS 농도의 변화를 주어 silylation을 진행했고, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy 및 X 선 회절 분석, 전계방사 주사전자현미경을 통해 silicon network 및 결정구조, 나노입자의 크기를 확인하였다. 접촉각 변화 관찰을 통해 가장 많이 silylation된 BSTO 나노입자에서 120.9°인 소수성 특성을 확인하였다. 나노입자의 silylation을 통해 D.I water 내 BSTO 나노입자의 소수화 정도를 확인하였다.
In this study, barium strontium titanate (BSTO) with high dielectric perovskite structure was synthesized by liquid-solid solution synthesis and the surface was modified using trimethylsilyl chloride (TMCS) as a silylation agent. Silylation surface modification is a method of reacting -OH ligand on the surface of BSTO nanoparticles with Cl in TMCS to generate HCl and replacing the ligand on the surface of nanoparticles with -Si, -CH3. Silylation was optimized by varying the concentration of TMCS, and the structure of the silicon network was confirmed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. In addition, the crystallinity of BSTO nanoparticles was confirmed by X-ray diffractometer and the size of the nanoparticles was calculated using Scherrer equation. The field emission scanning electron microscopic image observed the change of the surface-modified BSTO particle size, and the contact angle measurement confirmed the hydrophobic property of the contact angle of 120.9° in the optimized nanoparticles. Finally, the surface-modified BSTO dispersion experiment in de-ionized water confirmed the hydrophobic degree of the nanoparticles.
1. 서론
2. 실험방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결론
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