최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

레이저 마이크로 접합 및 솔더링

Laser Micro-Joining and Soldering

  • 7

In this paper, the principles, types and characteristics of the laser and laser soldering are introduced. Laser soldering methods for electronics, metals, semiconductors are also presented. Laser soldering is a non-contact process that transfers energy to solder joint by a precisely controlled beam. Demands for laser soldering are increasing due to bonding for complex circuits and local heating in micro joint. Laser absorption ratio depends on materials, and each material has different absorption or reflectivity of the laser beam, which requires fine adjustment of the laser beam. Laser types and operating conditions are also important factors for laser soldering performance. In this paper, the performance of Nd:YAG laser soldering is compared to the hot blast reflow. Meanwhile, a diode laser gives different wavelength and smaller parts with high performance, but it has various reliability issues such as heat loss, high power, and cooling technology. These issues need to be improved in the future, and further studies for laser micro-joining and soldering are required.

1. 서론

2. 레이저

3. 레이저 솔더링

4. 레이저 솔더링 동향

5. 결론

