최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

글로벌 배선 적용을 위한 UV 패턴성과 UV 경화성을 가진 폴리실록산

Organic-inorganic Hybrid Dielectric with UV Patterning and UV Curing for Global Interconnect Applications

  • 10

As the performance and density of IC (integrated circuit) devices increase, power and signal integrities in the global interconnects of advanced packaging technologies are becoming more difficult. Thus, the global interconnect technologies should be designed to accommodate increased input/output (I/O) counts, improved power grid network integrity, reduced RC delay, and improved electrical crosstalk stability. This requirement resulted in the fine-pitch interconnects with a low-k dielectric in 3D packaging or wafer level packaging structure. This paper reviews an organic-inorganic hybrid material as a potential dielectric candidate for the global interconnects. An organic-inorganic hybrid material called polysiloxane can provide spin process without high temperature curing, an excellent dielectric constant, and good mechanical properties.

1. 서론

2. 유무기 하이브리드 소재

3. 폴리실록산(polysiloxane)

4. 결론

감사의 글

