최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

e-Si 전기강판 폐스크랩을 이용한 3원계 Fe-9.8Si-6.0Al 합금의 연자성 특성

Soft Magnetic Property of Ternary Fe-9.8Si-6.0Al Alloy Using by Recycling Fe-Si Electrical Steel Sheet Scrap

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Fe-9.8Si-6.0Al mother alloy was manufactured using by Fe-3.5Si recycled scrap and Si powder. And then, soft magnetic alloy powder of D₅₀ size and sphere type were prepared by gas atomization process. To obtain the soft magnetic powder of a high aspect ratio, in the first, we conducted the ball milling process for 8 hours. And heat treatment was performed under 650℃, 2 hours and N₂ atmosphere condition for reducing the residual stress of the powder. Based on these process, we made around 50μm diameter Fe-9.8Si-6.0Al powder, which morphology and shape was a similar to the commercial Fe-Si-Al powder. Finally, the soft magnetic sheets were prepared by tape casting process using by those powders. The permeability of the tape casting sheet was measured, and we confirmed the possibility of reusing to the soft magnetic materials of Fe-Si electric sheet scrap.

1. 서론

2. 실험 방법

3. 연구결과

4. 결론

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