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KCI등재 학술저널

전력반도체 패키징을 위한 Transient liquid phase 접합 기술

Trasient Liquid Phase bonding for Power Semiconductor

  • 7

Recently, a demand in sustainable green technologies is requiring the lead free bonding for high power module packaging due to the environmental pollution. The Transient-liquid phase (TLP) bonding can be a good alternative to a high Pb-bearing soldering. Basically, TLP bonding is known as the combination of soldering and diffusion bonding. Since the low melting temperature material is fully consumed after TLP bonding, the remelting temperature of joint layer becomes higher than the operating temperature of the power module. Also, TLP bonding is cost-effective process than metal nanopaste bonding such as Ag. In this paper, various TLP bonding techniques for power semiconductor were described.

1. 서론

2. TLP 접합

3. 분말을 이용한 TLP 접합

4. 결론

감사의 글

