최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

그래핀을 이용한 전자패키징 기술 연구 동향

Trends of Researches and Technologies of Electronic Packaging Using Graphene

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This paper reports the trends of researches and technologies of electronic packaging using graphene. Electronic packaging is to provide the signal and electrical current among electronic components, to remove the heat in electronic systems or components, to protect and support the electronic components from external environment. As the required functions and performances of electronic systems or components increase, the electronic packaging has been intensively attracted attention. Therefore, technologies such as miniaturization, high density, Pb-free material, high reliability, heat dissipation and so on, are required in electronic packaging. Recently, graphene, which is a single two-dimensional layer of carbon atoms, has been extensively investigated because of its superior mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. Until now, many studies have been reported the applications using graphene such as flexible display, electrode, super capacitor, composite materials and so on. In this paper, we will introduce and discuss various studies on recent technologies of electronic packaging using graphene for solving the required issues.

1. 서론

2. Graphene 응용 전자패키징 기술

3. 결론

감사의 글

