최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

사물인터넷 시대의 생체인식 스마트 센서 기술과 연구 동향

Overview on Smart Sensor Technology for Biometrics in IoT Era

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With the pace of rapid innovation in technology of IoT (Internet of Things) and smart devices, biometric technology becomes one of the most progressive industries. Recent trends in biometrics show most are focused on embedding biometric sensors in mobile devices for user authentication. Multifactor biometrics such as fingerprint, retina, voice, etc. are considering as identification system to provide users with services more secured and convenient. Here we, therefore, demonstrate some major technologies and market trends of mobile biometric technology with its concerns and issues.

1. 서론

2. 생체인식 산업의 특성과 국내외 시장 동향

3. 모바일 생체인식 기술개발 동향

4. 모바일 지문인식 센서 및 모듈 패키징 기술개발 동향

5. 결론

