최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

반도체 소자 국제 표준화 최근 동향 연구

Recent Trend of International Standardization of Semiconductor Devices

  • 15

Nowadays, the importance of role of the international standardization keeps increasing substantially. We have already known that international standards have a huge impact on many companies, industries and nations. So far, it has been thought that standardizations are needed after the new products come into the market and are mass-produced in order to encourage the use of the products, systems and services. Standardization will make the products more safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly for the users. However, in these days, a paradigm of the standardization has been changed. International standard becomes a tool for dominating global market and is the most important ingredients of the competitiveness and economic progress of the nation and enterprises. Many countries like Japan, Germany and U.S. use the standardization as an effective method to dominate the market and monopolized the new technologies. Therefore, worldwide competition for the standardization of the new technology become fierce. Korea is leading the technology in semiconductor field. However, activities of international standardization are not sufficient. In order to boost the standardization activities in Korea from industry, academia, and research institute, this paper briefly introduce the international standard organization and some critical issues for next-generation semiconductor memory such as flexible semiconductor, automobile semiconductor and wearable devices.

1. 서론

2. 반도체 관련 국제 표준화 기구

3. 차세대 반도체 관련 표준 현황

4. 결론

감사의 글

