최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

자동차용 파워 모듈 패키징의 은 소재를 이용한 접합 기술

A Review of Ag Paste Bonding for Automotive Power Device Packaging

Lead-free bonding has attracted significant attention for automotive power device packaging due to the upcoming environmental regulations. Silver (Ag) is one of the prime candidates for alternative of high Pb soldering owing to its superior electrical and thermal conductivity, low temperature sinterability, and high melting temperature after bonding. In this paper, the bonding technology by Ag paste was introduced. We classified into two Ag paste bonding according to applied pressure, and each bonding described in detail including recent studies.

1. 서론

2. 은 페이스트를 이용한 접합 연구 동향

3. 은 페이스트를 이용한 가압 접합

4. 은 페이스트를 이용한 무가압 접합

5. 결론

