광 PCB의 광 회로층 제작 및 패키징 기술
Fabrication for Optical Layer and Packaging Technology of Optical PCB
- 한국마이크로전자및패키징학회
- 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지
- 제22권 제1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2015.03
- 1 - 5 (5 pages)
Recently, data throughput of smart electric devices increases dramatically. There is a great interest in a new technology which exceeds the limit of electrical transmission method. Optical PCB can supplement the weakness of electrical signal processing, the research for optical PCB is very active. In this paper, we propose the thermal imprint lithography process to fabrication optical layer of optical PCB and experiment to optimize the process conditions. We confirm process time, pressure, process temperature, demolding temperature and fabricate optical interconnection structure which has 45° tilted mirror surface for confirm the interconnection efficiency.
1. 서론
2. 광 PCB의 광 회로층
3. Imprint 공정에 의한 광 회로층 제작
4. 결론
감사의 글