최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

롤투롤 인쇄공정 적용을 위한 차세대 나노입자 소결 기술

Alternative Sintering Technology of Printed Nanoparticles for Roll-to-Roll Process

DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2014.21.4.015
  • 17

Recently, a variety of printing technologies, including ink jet, gravure, and roll-to-roll (R2R) printing, has generated intensive interest in the application of flexible and wearable electronic devices. However, the actual use of printing technique is much limited because the sintering process of the printed nanoparticle inks remains as a huge practical drawback. In the fabrication of the conductive metal film, a post-sintering process is required to achieve high conductivity of the printed film. The conventional thermal sintering takes considerable sintering times, and requires high temperatures. For application to flexible devices, the sintering temperature should be as low as possible to minimize the damage of polymer substrate. Several alternative sintering methods were suggested, such as laser, halogen lamp, infrared, plasma, ohmic, microwave, and etc. Eventually, the new sintering technique should be applicable to large area, R2R, and polymer substrate as well as low cost. This article reviews progress in recent technologies for several sintering methods. The advantages and disadvantages of each technology will be reviewed. Several issues for the application in R2R process are discussed.

1. 서론

2. 차세대 나노 입자 소결 기술

3. 결론

감사의 글

