최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Four Point Bending Test for Adhesion Testing of Packaging Strictures: A Review

DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2014.21.4.033
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To establish the reliability of a packaging structures, adhesion testing of key interfaces is a critical task. Due to the material mismatch, the interface may be prone to delamination failure due to conditions during the manufacturing of the product or just from the day-to-day use. To assess the reliability of the interface adhesion strength testing can be performed during the design phase of the product. One test method of interest is the four-point bending (4PB) adhesion strength test method. This test method has been implemented in a variety of situations to evaluate the adhesion strength of interfaces in bimaterial structures to the interfaces within thin film multilayer stacks. This article presents a review of the 4PB adhesion strength testing method and key implementations of the technique in regards to semiconductor packaging.

1. 서론

2. 실험 방법

3. 결과 및 고찰

4. 결론

감사의 글

