최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Nanowell Array based Sensor and Its Packaging

DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2014.21.3.019

This article reviews the recent progress in nanowell array biosensors that use the label-free detection protocol, and are detected in their natural forms. These nanowell array biosensors are fabricated by nanofabrication technologies that should be useful for developing highly sensitive and selective also reproducible biosensors. Moreover, electrochemical method was selected as analysis method that has high sensitivity compared with other analysis. Finally, highly sensitive nanobiosensor was achieved by combining nanofabrication technologies and classical electrochemical method. Many examples are mentioned about the sensing performance of nanowell array biosensors will be evaluated in terms of sensitivity and detection limit compared with other micro-sized electrode without nanowell array.

1. Introduction

2. Fabrication of Nanowell Array Electrode

3. NWA based Biosensor

4. Conclusions


