최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

파워디바이스 패키징의 열제어 기술과 연구 동

Overview on Thermal Management Technology for High Power Device Packaging

DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2014.21.2.013

Technology for high power devices has made impressive progress in increasing the current density of power semiconductor, system module, and design optimization, which realize high power systems with heterogeneous functional integration. Depending on the performance development of high power semiconductor, packaging technology of high power device is urgently required for efficiency improvement of the device. Power device packaging must provide superior thermal management due to high operating temperature of power modules. Here we, therefore, review critical challenges of typical power electronics packaging today including core assembly processes, component materials, and reliability evaluation regulations.

1. 서론

2. 파워디바이스 패키징 기술

3. 파워디바이스 패키지의 신뢰성 평가

4. 결론

