최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

3차원 패키징용 TSV의 열응력에 대한 열적 전기적 특성

A study on Electrical Characteristic and Thermal Shock Property of TSV for 3-Dimensional Packaging

DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2014.21.2.023
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Less power consumption, lower cost, smaller size and more functionality are the increasing demands for consumer electronic devices. The three dimensional(3-D) TSV packaging technology is the potential solution to meet this requirement because it can supply short vertical interconnects and high input/output(I/O) counts. Cu(Copper) has usually been chosen to fill the TSV because of its high conductivity, low cost and good compatibility with the multilayer interconnects process. However, the CTE mismatch and Cu ion drift under thermal stress can raise reliability issues. This study discribe the thermal stress reliability trend for successful implementation of 3-D packaging.

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