최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

삼차원집적공정에서 원자현미경을 활용한 Wafer Bonding Strength 측정 방법의 신뢰성에 관한 연구

Reliable Measurement Methodology of Wafer Bonding Strength in 3D Integration Process Using Atomic Force Microscopy

DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2013.20.2.011

The wafer bonding process becomes a flexible approach to material and device integration. The bonding strength in 3-dimensional process is crucial factor in various interface bonding process such as silicon to silicon, silicon to metals such as oxides to adhesive intermediates. A measurement method of bonding strength was proposed by utilizing AFM applied CNT probe tip which indicated the relative simplicity in preparation of sample and to have merit capable to measure regardless type of films. Also, New Tool was utilized to measure of tip radius. The cleaned SiO₂-Si bonding strength of SPFM indicated 0.089 J/m², and the cleaning result by RCA 1(NH₄OH:H₂O:H₂O₂) measured 0.044 J/m², indicated negligible tolerance which verified the possibility capable to measure accurate bonding strength. And it could be confirmed the effective bonding is possible through SPFM cleaning.

1. Introcuction

2. Bonding Strength 측정 방법

3. 실험방법

4. 결과

5. 결론

