최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

고방열 절연시트의 기술개발 동향

Review of Technology Development of High Heat Dissipative Insulating Sheet

DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2012.19.1.009

Currently due to increasing integration of various electronic devices and need of multi-functions, more and more heat is produced and for electronic devices to achieve maximum performance with optimum life time, heat dissipation is critical. A solution to such problems is use of high heat dissipative insulating sheet. In this paper status of current products are introduced and several technology aspects to meet the demand of increased heat dissipation needs is introduced.

1. 서론

2. Metal PCB용 고방열 절연 시트 개발 동향

3. 새로운 고열전도 절연시트 개발동향 - 고열전도 수지 및 배향 개념의 적용

4. 결론

감사의 글

