최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

150℃ 이하 저온에서의 미세 접합 기술

Low Temperature bonding Technology for Electronic Packaging

DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2012.19.1.017

Recently, flip chip interconnection has been increasingly used in microelectronic assemblies. The common Flip chip interconnection is formed by reflow of the solder bumps. Lead-Tin solders and Tin-based solders are most widely used for the solder bump materials. However, the flip chip interconnection using these solder materials cannot be applied to temperature-sensitive components since solder reflow is performed at relatively high temperature. Therefore the development of low temperature bonding technologies is required in these applications. A few bonding techniques at low temperature of 150℃ or below have been reported. They include the reflow soldering using low melting point solder bumps, the transient liquid phase bonding by inter-diffusion between two solders, and the bonding using low temperature curable adhesive. This paper reviews various low temperature bonding methods.

1. 서론

2. 150oC 이하의 융점을 가지는 솔더를 용융시켜 접합하는 방법

3. 두 종류의 솔더간 상호확산에 의한 접합 방법

4. 저온에서 경화되는 접착제를 이용한 접합 방법

5. 기타 저온 접합 방법

6. 맺음말

감사의 글

