최근 검색어 전체 삭제
International Science Research Vol.2 No.2.jpg

The Study on the Vulnerability and Countermeasures of Pakistan’s Nation-state Construction

DOI : 10.51600/isr.2022.2.2.21

巴基斯坦独立建国是 20 世纪亚非拉民族独立运动的重要事件,围绕事件背后的是以政党为主导的政党能力建设。随着现代民族国家建构过程,巴基斯坦政党能力反向遭遇重大 “能力滑坡”,导致巴基斯坦国家建构显现“脆弱性”、“失败国家”等负面特征。围绕强化以政党能力建设为核心的民族国家建构,将从政党能力建设的:利益表达与利益整合、制定纲领与政策、政治动员与参与、政治选拔与录用等四个方面提出相应对策,切实提升亚非拉众多现代民族国家的政党核心执政治理能力。

The independence of Pakistan was an important event of the national independence movement in Asia, Africa and Latin America in the 20th century. Behind the event was the capacity building led by political parties. With the process of building a modern nation state, Pakistani political party’s ability has suffered a major “capacity decline” in reverse, which leads to the negative characteristics of Pakistan’s national construction such as “fragility” and “failed state”. Focusing on strengthening the construction of nation-state with party capacity building as its core, we will put forward corresponding countermeasures from four aspects of party capacity building.There are expression and integration of interests, formulation of program and policy, political mobilization and participation, political selection and employment, so as to effectively improve the core governance ability of political parties in many modern nation-states in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

1 Introduction

2 The Proposal of the Concept of Nation State

3 The Fragility of Nation-state construction after Pakistan’s Independence

4 Strengthen the Nation-state Construction Ability with the Autonomy of Political Parties as the Core

5 Conclusion

