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KCI등재 학술저널

아시아태평양전쟁기 부산형무소의 수형자 동원

A study on the mobilization of prisoners in Busan Prison during the late Japanese colonial period

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2022.42.5
  • 75

植民地朝鮮の刑務所は戰時末期に中國の海南島を含め朝鮮の全国中約1 萬名の受刑者の労働力を戦争中に動員した. この研究の目的は全國的に行わ れた受刑者動員の事例中地域の實相を具体的に調べることである. 今回は釜 山を事例研究の対象にした. 使用された資料は, 日本防衛省防衛硏究所の日本軍資料や當時監獄法 の改正をめぐる日本內閣資料, 朝鮮總督府法務局行刑課の人事や作業關係 資料そして戦後釜山矯導所側がまとめた資料(1984年の資料)などを活用した. 以上の資料を使い當時戰時體制下受刑者たちが動員されるパタンを二つにまと めてみた. 各刑務所の工場の中での軍需品の生産と外役作業がそれである. 戰時末期の釜山ではアメリカとの決戦を想定し軍需品の生産が行われ, 軍 事施設も集中的に配置された. 釜山刑務所の受刑者たちは刑務所の工場で 軍需品を生産する一方市街地の拡大工事や飛行場の建設現場に動員された. これは監獄で行われた通常の刑務作業とは異なる戦時労務動員だった. その 過程で1944年以降には多くの犠牲者が出たが, 受刑者たちは日本の敗戦まで このような労働を3-4年間続けることになったのである.

Colonial Korean prisons mobilized the labor force of about one million prisoners nationwide, including the Hainan Island of China, during the war at the end of the war. The purpose of this study is to specifically investigate the reality of a specific region through the case of mobilization of prisoners nationwide. Therefore, Busan was selected as the subject of the case study. The materials used were military data from National Institute for Defense Study, data from the Japanese Cabinet for prison law revision, data from the Justice Department of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, and organized data(1984) from the Pusan Prison, as well as newspaper and magazine articles at the time. Through the above materials, I have summarized the patterns in which prisoners under the wartime system were mobilized into two patterns. That is the production of munitions in the factories of each prison and the work outside the ward. In Busan, the production and transportation of munitions and military facilities were concentrated for the war with the United States at the end of the war. As a result, inmates in Busan Prison were mobilized on a large scale to produce munitions in factories within the prison, to expand Busan city area, or to build an airport. This was a wartime labor mobilization that was different from the existing normal prison work. In this process, many victims have occurred since 1944, but prisoners continued to work like this for 3-4 years before liberation.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 전시체제와 부산형무소

Ⅲ. 부산형무소의 수형자 동원 유형

Ⅳ. 수형자 동원 실태

Ⅴ. 맺음말 : 성과와 과제
