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한국이슬람학회논총 제32권 2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

중동과 이슬람 세계 수학 문화의 수용 규준 연구

A Study on Canons of Middle East and Islamic Mathematical Culture: Focusing on Theory of Knowledge and International Mindedness of the IB DP Mathematics Curriculum

In this paper, we analyzed how the subject content, theory of knowledge, and international mindedness dealt with in the IB DP mathematics course <Mathematics: analysis and approaches> accept Islamic culture. We claim that IB mathematics (1) minimizes or omits the achievements of Islamic mathematicians, and (2) ignores ancient Egyptian and Old Babylonian mathematics, the roots of modern mathematics. IB Mathematics refers to Chinese, Japanese, Indian, or European mathematicians, ignoring the roles of great mathematicians such as al-Khowarizmi, al-Karaji, Ibn al-Haytham, Omar Khayyam, and al-Kashi. IB mathematics education gives deep mathematical and cultural values to ancient Greece from the point of view of the axial age, and attributes the calculus values of ancient Babylonia and Fatimid Dynasty to Newton and Leibniz in Europe. We discussed how it is desirable to accept Middle East and Islamic mathematical culture from a critical point of view.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. IB DP 수학 교과 소개

Ⅲ. IB DP <수학: 해석과 접근 방법>에서 다루는 이슬람 수학 문화

Ⅳ. IB DP <수학: 해석과 접근 방법>에서 다루는 중동 수학 문화

Ⅴ. 맺음말 및 제언
