AD 70 is one of the most important turning points in Jewish history. The Jerusalem temple was destroyed by the Romans, and the center of Jewish existence moved into Yavneh. Yavneh is an important the place where Rabbinic Judaism began to take shape. The rabbis at Yavneh are called ‘tannaim,’ and they started shaping the Rabbinic Judaism. The period of tannaim is roughly between AD 70 and 200. This paper aims at examining the reasons for different division of generations of tannaim. Ibn Daud, Strack-Stemberger, Safrai’s approaches will be compared and analyzed. Diagram will be reconstructed to understand the generational development of tannaim.
I. 들어가며
II. 타나임 세대구분이 어려운 이유
III. 타나임 세대구분과 주요 쟁점들
IV. 나가며: 다이어그램으로 보는 타나임 세대 구분