최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of North Korea Studies Vol.8 No.1.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

김정은 정권의 생존전략과 ‘과학·기술·교육’의 역할

The Role of ‘Science, Technology, and Education’ in the Survival Strategy of the Kim Jong-un Regime

DOI : 10.34266/jnks.2022.8.1.239
  • 33

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the role of the Kim Jong-un regime's survival strategy as the topic of "science, technology, and education" emphasized by North Korea in its push for the five-year national economic development plan from 2021. Considering that "science, technology, and education" is an important factor in economic growth in the (neo) growth theory, the Kim Jong-un regime's five-year economic development plan must be key factors for the success of the plan. In addition, an analysis of why the North Korean authorities make "science, technology, and education" an important topic through 2,228 pages published by the 『Rodong』 Newspaper in 2021 showed that the Kim Jong-un regime's "science, technology, and education" has a strong political and social propaganda meaning and is used as a kind of political instigation/control tool. “Science, technology, and education” presented by Kim Jong-un are tools to control the thoughts and actions of internal members to maintain the regime by presenting advanced images to residents.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 북한의 생존전략 연구에 대한 새로운 접근

Ⅲ. 경제성장 요소와 최근 북한 경제의 핵심 이슈

Ⅳ. 경제발전 5개년 계획 속 과학·기술·교육 중시 노선의 의미/특징

Ⅴ. 과학·기술·교육 중시 노선의 체제적 효과

Ⅵ. 결론 및 전망

